A clogged sink can be a major problem. It means you can no longer make use of the sink as the water has stopped flowing out. You may be forced to pile dirty dishes for a while until you resolve the problem. Not to mention the bad odor that comes from having trapped in dirty water. Thankfully, there are several things you can try on your own to fix clogged drains before needing to call in a professional.


Most households have plungers on hand. If you do not, you should be able to find a good option at a local store. They are a good way to manually use suction force to either dislodge a blockage or break it up. It can only work if its cup fits well over the drain, leaving no space for air to escape. Pump it several times and run some water to see if the drain has opened up.

Use a bent wire hanger

Clogged kitchen drains often occur because of food particles mixing in with soap and other dirt to form a barrier. If you have a wire hanger in the house, you can simply open it up and create a small hook at the end. Push this end into your drain to try and get to the blockage. See if you can hook it to bring out the blockage or dislodge it. Stop if you find you are simply pushing the blockage further inward.


If you have a wet/dry vacuum you can try using its suctioning power to open up your drain. Do not do this if you are using a dry vacuum. Vacuums work best where the blockage is near the drain. Try to ensure a good seal over the drain hole so as much suctioning power can work on the blockage to dislodge and bring it out. This may take a couple of minutes to work. If it works, be sure to thoroughly clean your vacuum of the debris collected.

Drain cleaner

There are special drain cleaning products you can also find in stores that can clear clogged sinks. These are chemical interventions so you need to be careful and strictly adhere to the written instructions. Get some eye goggles on and wear a mask and gloves when handling to avoid injuring yourself.

Many of these solutions will work with mild cases, however, if the blockage proves stubborn, it is best to let a professional handle it. We can provide you with a qualified plumber that will provide a lasting solution for the problem. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.